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This area is a forum for information about the surname Begent, our ancestry and contacts with other Begent families around the world. If you have researched your own Begent family tree and would like to share it with others, or would like to trace lost branches of the family, please contact us by clicking here on Contact . Look forward to hearing from you !! Contacts Subject: The Begent Clan Subject: The Begents From Jan Begent We have been researching our own branch/twig of the Begent family tree for several years now. We've spent a lot of time going down to the archives in Kent and have trawled through the births, deaths and marriages indexes at the Family Records Centre in London too. We can go back about seven generations as far as Hannah Diamond and John Begent who married at Brabourne near Ashford, Kent in 1820. Beyond that the records aren't complete enough to trace any further back with certainity, but it is known there were Begents working as fishermen in Folkestone in the 1600s. That probably ties up with the idea of refugees coming over from France. We are linked to a grouping of Begents who live in Utah who emigrated from Kent in the 1920s and many of those living today in Essex, Kent, Sussex and Surrey. We have drawn up our tree using a graphics programme called Quark Xpress which we could send to you if you're interested, once we've figured out how to attach files to e-mails! Click here to see Jan & Andys Family Tree We have been in touch with a Derek Begent who lives in London and shares an interest in tracing the name. He has probably written to you in the past. He has identified several groupings of Begents. Among them there are the Kent mob (which we belong to), and a west London - Fulham/Kensington grouping that he comes from - you are probably from the same grouping as him. Eventually it would be good to find a connection between all of them. Incidentally, we found Charles Begent in the 1881 Census index, described as a 54 year old letter carrier living in Hammersmith with his wife, Elizabeth 52, and 3 children - Henry James 21, James 18 and Alice 13 - presuamably he was your great-great grandfather. We look forward to seeing how your site develops. If you get any other contacts from Begents we'd be grateful if you could give them our details in case they want to share 'Begent' information. Regards Jan and Andy Begent Subject: BEGENT FAMILY IN AUSTRALIA Subject: BEGENT FAMILY IN AUSTRALIA Subject: The Begent Clan Subject: Searching for Begent Family Click Here to See Tracy's Begent Family Tree Subject: Begent Family in South Australia I look forward to hearing from any other Begents who may be able to swap info. Subject: Begents!! Subject: Begents from Tasmania Subject: BEGENT FAMILY IN AUSTRALIA I have sent an e-mail to Jan Hopgood after I saw her entry on your website. I did know of Ozzie Begent - as he was a CAA (Civil Aviation) engineer and he had met Uncle Charlie through the supply of run-way lights when Uncle Charlie was a BGE/GEC manager in Launceston. Also my husband knew of him. . I am descended from Clarence who was a pilot on the River Tamar - he piloted the ships from Low Head (just north of Georgetown) to Launceston. He and his brother also ran a ferry across the Tamar when they were young - are said to have refused to carry Martin Cash - the Bushranger free of charge . Eli was a fisherman at Georgetown after he was made free and was rescued once from drowning when his boat capsized by his son Clarence - the story made the papers. Cousin Ross has promised to send you the details in our family Bible.. I really find your webpage interesting Meg Daly (nee Begent) Subject:Stephen and Sarah Begent family from Kent Click here to see Stephen Begent's line of descendants Subject: Begents in Australia I am related to Begent family via Eli Begent, Tasmania Warren Smith from Perth Western Australia Editor's Note : Warren please contact us again - we would like to hear more ........... Subject: Begents in London and Australia I am doing research for my cousin Betty LeClaire- she has traced back to James Begent B 1803 Chancery Lane London - died 24.1.1868 at no 21 Parish St sub district of St Johns Housledown ? James Married Rachel Laurence Halsey at St George the Martyr Southwark on 16.11.1834- Rachel was born 8.7.1804 at Nth. Mymms Hertf. she died 30.9.1862 at Orange Tree Inn StoneBridge . Their children were Henry Charles C 29.11.1825 Totteridge Hertf. died 30.3.1875 THIS IS MY COUSINS LINE -- HE MARRIED JEMIMA LEE at St. Marlylebone ? on 18.7.1854 they had 3 daughters - Laura Rhoda and Edith -- Rhoda B.1858-Edith B.1865- Laura B. 1869-- after Henry died Jemima came to Australia - Melbourne Victoria on Lord Warden and then to Sydney NSW on Wentworth - in 1876. -appears that Jemima had a sister in NSW - Susan Lee - she had married a Ryder . Regards Dorothy Delaney. Subject: The Begent Family Hi Simon and Family. Gilbert Charles Begent b. 19.6.1876 d. 1961 Father Regards your fotenote on the origins of the Begent name ie Yellow nose, my elder brother on reasonable authority suggests that in Paris and Scottish Universities the word begent suggests a FRESHMAN or first year student and refers to the Scottish Book of Student music which has music named similarly to Begent. Regards Ralph Subject: The Begent Family Dear Ralph Gilbert senior was born in 1847 the son of James Begent b 1803 d 1868 and Rachel (nee Halsey) b1804 d 1862 who married at St George the Martyr Southwark on 16.11.1834. If you look on the web site there is a recent messsage from Dorothy Delaney from Australia who has been researching the same family. The Marylebone district 1851 census records that the family of James and Rachel lived at 6, Quebec Mews: Glibert's birth in Ireland seems most strange as the family lived in London and all the elder children were born in London. Perhaps he was a foster child. You mentioned that great grandfather (that would have been James Begent) came from Posting House Dover. Do you have any further info on this - there were Begents in the Dover, Kent area but I have no evidence of a connection. Were Frederick b 1869, Kate b 1891, Arthur b 1878, Emily b 1878, Harry and Walter, all brothers and sisters of Gilbert Charles Begent? I would be most grateful for any further information or details that you may have. Regards Simon Begent Subject: Gilbert Begent Tree From Andrew J. Begent Simon, Please find attached my attempt at drawing up the Gilbert tree - it's based on information sent by Ralph Jones and Dorothy Delaney, plus a few bits and pieces I've put together over the years, but not into anything meaningful till now. Let me know if the attachment is no good and I'll send it again as text. Keep up the good work. Andy Click here to see Family tree of decendants of James Begent 1803-68 Subject: Name Check Hello Simon I'll investigate the family. I think that my Uncle was doing some research so he might have something that you would find useful. For now, I can tell you that my Father, Donald Begent, and my Mother, Josephine Begent, live in Bristol with my brother, Ashton Begent. I have a sister, Crescentia, now Cook, who has two children, Jacob and Sorelle. My Grandfather, Robert Begent, was born in Madras but lived in Burma. Married to Matilda Develares - the name said to derive from De Velera, that Irish chap that I don't really know as much about as I should. That's as much as I know off the top of my head. My husband made me reply now "or I never will". I hope you found it of interest. Orynthia Thomas (nee Begent) (I was going to start a website for "Orynthia" and judging from the success of yours, I think I should!) Subject: Frank Alton and Frank Augustus Begent Do you have any knowledge of Frank Alton Begent of Cincinnatus, New York, USA, and his son, Frank Augustus Begent? Subject: Frank Alton and Frank Augustus Begent Thanks for your message. The only Frank Begents that I can find from NY are as listed below. I don't know if these are the Frank Alton and Frank Augustus that you are searching for. FRANK BEGENT b. 30 Mar 1910 d. 23 Apr 1992, NY Subject: Begent Website Hello there Chris Begent Subject: Begent Family Tree Hi Henry Charles parents were James Begent & Rachael Halsey ( Though I had Hauldey) All I know about James parents were that the father was a J Begent and that they also had a daughter. Thanks for all your information as I didn't have a lot of dates. My name is Barry Smith and I live in Karratha in the north west of Western Australia. My mothers name is Rhoda Laureen Smith (nee Booth) & she lives in NSW. What started me on this was that my father just recently died and I was given a bit of the family tree and I thought I would start tracing it. Thanks Again PS Also on my information Henry & Jemina had two sons Charles Henry & William John Subject: Begent Family Tree Hi Simon thanks for answering my email. I'll send you a copy of my full family tree over the next few days. On My mothers side my Great G/mother was Rhoda Amelia Denton, born Nov 18th 1855, Died in Australia date unknown, who was married on Dec 31st 1878 to My G/G/father Stephen Denton, born 1852, died Jan 25th 1916. The reason I started this search, my father only just passed away and had not seen his family since he was fostered out when his mother died and he was three years old, he was 81 when he died and only met one of his brothers by chance 5 years ago who ironically died 5 weeks before him.He didn't even know his grandparents names. I Have since found a few things including his fathers grave site. Anyway thats getting away from it mum gave me a very rough copy of her family tree dating back to J Begent married to Unknown Children James Begent 1803-1868 Daughter name unknown Maybe someone has something on the Lee's, if so would like any information also any on Stephen Denton who married Rhoda Amelia Begent on Dec 31st 1878. Simon thanks for a great site, as it's bloody good Subject: Rachel Begent and her brother Gilbert Simon Kindest Regards: Click here to see Bob's family tree of Canadian descendants of Rachael Begent Subject: Parents of James Begent b. 1803 Hi There Thanks Subject: Parents of James Begent b. 1803 Barry Best Regards Subject: re: Parents of James Begent b. 1803 Several years ago I was told that a James Begent was the father of James Begent born 1803 - the information originally came from Janet Booth, a relative of Dorothy Delaney's - she might be able to give more information, but I have no address or e-mail for her. Barry's reference to Birmingham is interesting - according to the IGI a Hannah Begent married William Chislett at Aston Juxta Birmingham on 30th October 1787 - could she have been a sister of the chap who escaped from France? The IGI also shows a Sarah Jane Begent, daughter of James and Sarah Begent baptised in Birmingham on 4th November 1822. I guess the Birmingham archives may have something on them, possibly something on the carriage manufacturing business. Best wishes Subject: Family Connections Let me introduce myself, my father was Charles James Smith son of Emma Jane Begent and James Thomas Smith of Launceston Tasmania. Emma Jane was a daughter of Eli Begent of whom you are already aware. I live in Nedlands, Western Australia 6009.. I would like to register with you and to learn as much as possible re the Begent family background and family tree. I hope we might be able to make contact when convenient Subject: Begent family tree 1. The name is probably associated with a 'Yellow chick' for in the Kate Carney Pagent at St. Andrews University there appears a 'Beardless Begent' which is a 'freshman' 2. A number of children of Robert Begent (married Catherine Mundy) are missing including my own ancestor, Robert, born 1851 married Sophia Mansell, together with a number of other children. More details are availible. 3. It has proved impossible to be certain of the descent of Henry Begent married at St. Martin in the Fields 1812. The explaination of my name is that it represents my mother's marriage to my father, Christopher Cove, when both wished to retain their familiy surnames. Ian Begent-Cove Subject: Bageants in America Greetings: Warmest regards, Joseph L. Bageant Subject: Could Bedient be Begent My wife's maiden name is BEDIENT. An uncle of hers, Phillip BEDIENT has written an exhaustive genealogy of the BEDIENT family in America tracing maternal and paternal lines mostly since the BEDIENT family and other ancestors came to New England in the early to mid-1600s. Despite the fact that the BEDIENT's have been in America for 350 years there are relatively few of them. Another Bedient genealogist, Donald Bedient has determined that all the BEDIENTS in America are descendants of one Mordecai Bedient who arrived in New England in 1666 so that his wife Mary and children Mordecai (also known as Morgan) and Thomas could inherit property from Mary's brother John Barnard. Unfortunately there are few if any other Bedient's around the world. The Bedient name is recorded in a church registry in Staines England just outside London with the names of the Bedient family mentioned above and there may be a 15th century Boston, UK, connection but that's about it. As you know, there are many different spellings of Begent that are phonetically similar.One of my theories is that Bedient which is pronounced either BED-ee-ent or Bead-ee-ent in the US is a mispronunciation caused by assuming that the "i" is an "i". As late as the 16th century, though, an "i" could also be a "j" in which case the name would sound more like bedgent. As the "d" in such words as ledge and judge is barely audible, the name could then have been written begent. An interesting theory, but one for which I have little more than guess work. I would appreciate knowing if in the course of your research you ever came upon the name Bedient. The story about the "yellow beak" reminded me that I had come across this reference in the Oxford English Dictionary under "bejan". Bajon, bejaune, bejeant, bejan, and bigent are listed as variations. The meaning is given as "A freshman at the Scotch universities, where the term was adopted from the University of Paris." I look forward to hearing from you. Subject: re: Bedient Surname Frank, 20 Mar 1635 Baptism Patisner Badgent Daughter of Thomas Badgent & Anne Badgant I hope it may be of interest to you. Let me know if you can find a connection with any of them Andy Begent Subject: Begent info Hi Simon, I'm Glyn Lancaster Jones, brother of Ralph, and just as interested as him in the family history. Was pleased to read about all you have discovered, that we didn't know about. Would like to keep in touch with you from time to time. We only live 500 yards apart [Ralph and I]. Now is this one known to you, and does it tie in with what you already have? Spike Milligan's book "Mussolini: My part in his Downfall", has a sole reference to "Bombardier Begent" and his being slightly burnt in 1943. Can only find that Milligan was in 19 Battery, 56th Heavy Regiment. I also have quite a few Begent names and addresses extracted from phone books at one time. Including one I cannot find now {Guy Begent} in Dublin Are they any use? Will speak with you again. ttfn Glyn Subject: James Begent Dear Simon So now I can trace our family back to 1803. The next step for me is to find out who James Senior's parents were. I wondered if James could be Ei's brother? If so would Fouche Begent be James' father? On the James Begent family tree page it lists all the brothers and sisters, noticed that there was nothing for James b.1832 or his sisters Ann and Emma. At least now we can follow the line from James down to our family. I have enclosed a rough guide to our family tree. I haven't put any christenings or place of marriage etc but if you need them I can obtain them. The only marriage certificate I have is Edward James' he was married in the parish church of Battersea, district of Wandsworth on 4th October 1885. It feels so good to actually have something down on paper and to know where the next challenge lies. I have enclosed copy of the court deposition from Charles Horace Begent in Tasmania, as well as a copy of his family tree. He was extremely kind and if I hear from him again with regards to the photograph I will let you know. Carole Begent Read the Transcript of the Court disposition for Eli Begent Subject: Some details Dear Simon. Regards, David Begent. Subject: Utah Begents, Decendant of Howdy Jan,Andy and Family!! Great Website, Glen Hards & Family Subject: Ohio Bagents Like your Web site, it's very good. I'd like you to know I am researching the Bagent/Begeant's of Virginia and Ohio in the good old US of A. There are hundreds of Bagent's in Ohio, and lots of Bagent descendents in the Winchester, Virginia area. I've been in contact with Bagent's in California, Texas, Oregon, Michigan, Massachusetts, and Ohio. I live in Ohio. The first Bagent to arrive in the US that I have found was a John Bagent reprieved for transportation July 1743, to serve 14 years, Hampshire. I sure would appreciate knowing more about this person, as that's all I have on him. The next Bageant I have found is a William Bageant who is said to have come to the US with Gen E. Braddock. That's in the 1750's. Gen Braddock was killed outside of what is now Pittsburg, PA, and Col G. Washington took command of the Army. I doubt that William came over with Braddock, because there is a record where William signs up with Col G. Washington to be part of his milita to fight the French and Indians (who wanted the same land). this was in 1754, before Gen Braddock was killed. But his son said he was.. Would you be able to tell me who to write to or email in England to find a listing of Gen. Braddocks troops. William was suppose to be in the artillery. I have found a Richard Bageant in Folkstone Kent England who had a son Wm christened in Oct 1727. This may be the same William. As perhaps his son(?) wrote in his application for pension (US Rev War) that his parents were English persons and his father came over with Braddock and was in his artillery. I would like to know more if you could direct me I'd be mighty thankful. Again you have a very nice web page, lots of work there. Vera Subject: Email from Vera Bagent etc. Simon, Vera asked where she might find further details on Braddock's troops. I guess there may still be a current Lord Braddock somewhere, whose family archives might have some details - perhaps Who's Who lists a Lord Braddock. Another alternative could be the Public Records Office - they have records of those transported to America, early emigrants there and British army records. According to the book 'Tracing Your Ancestors in the Public Records Office' by Amanda Bevan 1999 (ISBN 1 873162 61 8) much of the North American PRO material has been copied to the Library of Congress and other archives in the US. Another thought, maybe the county record office of whereever Braddock came from would have something more on him. I'd be interested to see how both Vera and Joe made the Folkestone connection. Let me know if you hear anything on that. Turning to Eli Begent and his Tasmanian descendents, I've discovered a useful site, try Another useful link lists some Begents killed in the 1st and 2nd World Wars. Best wishes, Andy Begent Subject: Lost Touch I would like to contact Sue Begent, I believe she was from Warwickshire - she nursed at the Middlesex Hospital in London around 1988. I met her Easter of that year in London when she was sharing a flat with a mutual friend. Sue was planning a trip round the world and visited me in Germany where I was in the Army, staying for about a week. We travelled a bit - Harz mountains, Hannover area. I saw her off on the next stage of her journey at Hannover Railway station and have only heard from her once since then a postcard from Thailand. I believe that Sue may have returned to UK and then gone back to Australia. Its a long shot I know but any information would be helpful. Thank you, Tim Bryett Subject: Begent Family Tree Information Hi Simon, Sorry it has taken so long since I last contacted you, but now my exams are out of the way I can concentrate more on the research. I have attached copies of pictures and documents for you to see regarding Eli Begent. You will notice that the name Begent is never spelt the same it changes all the time, so please bear with the documents as I have transcribed them exactly as they were written. I will send in my next e-mail a story that appeared in the Launceston Examiner on Saturday December 10 1892, regarding Clarence Begent(Eli's Son) All the documents and information have been kindly given to me by Charles Begent, who lives in Launceston, Tasmania. He has also sent to me an advertisement of Begent's Department store that appeared in the newspaper. Charles used to own the store Begent's many years ago, but sold it and the new owner kept the name. If you are interested I can send that through to you, no problem. Click on Begents Electrical Store to see an adertisement from the local newspaper. The other documents that I have are baptisms and land registry details. They are very hard to read physically and do not copy very well as to be legible. If they are of any interest I can always transcribe them instead and sent them to you. I also received a laminated copy of the 1566 document that you have on your website. I spoke to Joe Bageant in Virginia and we are in the process of having it translated into modern day English. When I have more news on that I will contact you. I hope that the information will be of use to you on your site and I will be in touch soon. Thanks again for a great site. Subject: The Begent Clan Simon I don't get to see too much of my family these days and am really useless when it comes to dates but here are a few more branches to add to the tree... Frank William Begent (1906) one of eight (?) brothers married Alice Quirk (1908) and had the following children (in the right order, even if I dont know the right dates): William Peter Begent My twin Brother and the one who went to Australia/New Zealand. Now back in the UK somewhere. Frank certainly came from Hammersmith and that may be the link to you. As I understand it, he lost touch with that side of the family and we children never really got to know those relatives too well. I think the last time that I met anyone from that side of the family was when I was about 10! Hope that helps a little. keep up the splendid work... Subject: "It's a small world but I wouldn't want to paint it." I used to think ours was the only family of Begents. I'm James, son of Paul from Parsons Green, son of Harold who was in North Africa during the war and lived in Fulham until his end a couple of years back with his wife Florence. By some coincidence, I have brother called Jonathon. I'll have to get a picture of our family for the site. I'm sorry, you're number 7. The site's not very popular, it's more own benefit really. I'm studying C/C++ and MCSE so I decided to do something with HTML and Javascript. James. Subject: Another Simon Begent ! Hello Simon. I came across your site after doing a random search and was as surprised as some of the other Begent's as to how many of us there are! I am the son of Frederick George Begent (he prefers George) We live in Woking, Surrey (England) and he originates from Cape le ferne, near Dover and Folkestone. His mother was a Pike and died young in 1951.I don't really know much about his father. His remaining living Aunty is called Mary and still lives in Cape Le Ferne, unfortunatly his other aunty (Amy) passed away a couple of months ago. I shall inform him of your site and if any more imformation is needed, we would be glad to help, regards, Subject: Begents are everywhere Simon I am attaching my Bagent history so far... These people were from Folkestone Kent England as far as I have been able to trace. I'd like to find more information on Begent's in the early 1700's from Kent England, can anyone help? Before that during the 1500's I believe they were Huguenots from France as there is evidence that points to a French origin of the name. Who knows maybe they were. I have a record of Baigent from County Sussex back to 1610 in Alfriston which is a town or parish in Sussex England. I don't know if they are related or not. There is a lot of factual information in the attachment, but alas, I don't know if William III is really the son of William Jr. that's my hang up and as the family was here in VA at the time all I can hope for from England is learning that another Bageant (not only William) came over with Gen Braddock in 1754. Vera Click here to see Vera's family tree Subject: Bagent family A relative gave me your address (Vera Bagent from Ohio) She has been working on our family tree from this side of the ocean. I got connected with her about a year ago. My father was a Bagent who passed away about six years ago. Been interesting finding out about our family tree. Thanks for all the hard work . Paula Samp Subject: Public Records Office - Begents in WW1 Simon, I've been up to the PRO at Kew, mainly to do research on non-Begent ancestors, but I came across the following that may be of interest: Click here to see Andy's report of Begent WW1 Military Records Subject: Oscar Kustel m. Jennie Begent I was most interested to see your family tree "pop up" when I was doing a search for the Kustel surname (they make a very small family tree). My great-grandfather was Casmir Kustel, brother of Oscar. I am providing Oscar's obituary for your information. Jennie passed away February 5, 1951 in San Bernardino County, California, USA. I am delighted to know more about Jennie's family. If you want to know any more about these "non-Begents", please let me know. Mike Bartlett Click here to see the information about Oscar and Jennie Subject: Another Kent Branch I've drawn up the following tree; I'm not certain but I believe William Begent was a brother of the John Begent born about 1791 (he was my direct ancestor). Click here to see new tree of Kent and East London descendant's of William Begent Subject: Bagent family Tree Hi Simon Like yourself I have been trawling through the various research. I have found many interesting sites and will send them to you with the information I have to send to you also. A friend of mine who is a member of the Guild for one-name studies gave me a piece of advice that she was given by an historian. He said that to hold your nose and say the name, and then look for what the name sounds like. I looked for Bedent and founds lots of interesting information there. He said that in those days many people were plagued with colds and names were spelt wrong because of this. Just another thought. I even found my great-grandfather Edward James on the 1881 census under the name of Beyent. This could be why I could never found anything for his name. I received a letter form Lena Kimpton which includes documents and photos of many Begents. I will try and scan them through, if they don't come out very well I will photocopy them and post them instead as they are well worth looking at. Some of the photos date back to 1830 and George Roslyn Begent. One of the photos of Frank Begent bears a resemblance to John Begent's own father also called Frank. Joe Bageant has promised to send me some photos of his ancestors in Virginia, when I receive those I will forward them to you. I sent Lena a copy of the Tasmanian Family tree from the site and she has sent it back to me with more names and dates added, so that is another thing I have to send to you. There are some documents that would look good on the site and I will type them out possibly this weekend and e-mail them to you. Charles Begent sent to me a copy of a family tree of a Commander Nicholas Baigent. If this tree is correct then they show Eli's brothers as being William,George and Charles. Also Eli's father with the name if Eli born 1765 and marrying Sarah Parfitt. You never know it's always better to have more than one working on the solution. I will copy that for you too. There seems to be so much to send this time. Did I mention in my last e-mail that I was tracing Joe Bageant's wife Barbara's family tree? Her surname is Dickinson and I have managed to trace it back to viking kings around 780 AD. It goes back to "Of the uplandars Ivar" and "Eyestein the Noisy" it was amazing. One of her ancestors Walter Count of Caen was a distant cousin of William the Conqueror and was given a castle in Caen, France, close to the town of Bayeaux. I found an artists picture in the Bodlien library at Oxford University showing her ancestors fighting the English as they promised to protect France. I was amazed at how far back I could go. The website looks so good now with all the history, documents and photos coming together. It makes you realise what a good site it is after you have spent many,many hours trawling thorugh other sites. I have found some sites relating to London in 1600 onwards I will send you the details as they make interesting reading, and may open up other avenues to explore. Best wishes Carole
Hi Simon We had a great time by the way when John and Joe came to Nottingham, we all got on so well and they are both very funny and charming. Also as with the Begent's great talkers!! Carole Picture of Carole, John Begent, and Joe Bageant 12/09/00 Subject: RND Antwerp John Subject: RND Antwerp Dear Simon, I have just read through your grandfather's RND history. A very interesting story. Your grandfather's original RNVR documents are held at the Fleet Air Arm Museum, Yeovilton. Contact Mrs. Jan Keohane, Records & Research. Mention my name & you may get 'em for nowt. (maybe). Jan said she does some for family FOC. In answer to your request, I have two small corrections & comments to your text. Gen. Paris RM (should be Gen. Paris RMA. His full title was Major-General Sir Archibald Paris RMA KCB, but this was not till later. Paris lost a leg 14/10/16 while visiting trenches at Colincamps). POW (This is incorrect. Your granddad & his comrades were 'Internees." There is a world of difference between the two. Five Barnsley RNVR men were POW's of the Germans after Antwerp; four from Hawke Bn. & one from Collingwood. They would especially like this little point corrected). Also, 13 Barnsley men RNVR were Internees: 5 from Hawke Bn, 5 from Benbow Bn, & 3 from Collingwood Bn). One Barnsley man, KW 175 AB Thos. Croft RNVR, Benbow Bn, escaped in June 1915, but was sent back for re-internment!!!! I imagine he was one of those who broke his parole/leave. Regards John Subject: Begents Simon, Subject: Mark Baigent Hi Simon Subject: Tilikum and Begent Family Greetings! What a wonderful site you have built. Congratulations! This spring will mark the 100th anniversary of Tilikum's departure from Victoria, B.C. Canada. The little vessel now resides in our museum. In celebration we are preparing a special issue of our quarterly journal/magazine which will focus on Tilikum and the personalities associate with her. Do you think there is anyone in the Begent family who would be interested in preparing an article on Walter Begent's association with Voss? Are there family photos of Walter? We would be very interested in obtaining copies? Please advise if you think anyone would be interested in contributing Kindest Regards Subject: Eli Baigent/Begent My great-great-great grandfather, Eli Baigent, later known as Begent was born at Farnborough, near the Surrey border, on 7 February 1789, the eldest son of Eli and his wife Sarah, nee Parfitt. They were farmers. This information was sent to me by Roger Nicholas, a member of the North-West Kent Family History Society, the organisation I wrote to asking about Eli's family history. Eli had three brothers; William born in 1792 and George in 1800, also born at Farnborough. Charles was born at Farnham , Surrey, in 1807. I received a baptism certificate from the Guildford Muniment Room. This search took place about 10 years ago or so, and I no longer have these certificates, having passed them on to either other members of the Begent family in Launceston. Roger Nicholas sent me a family tree, which I can't locate just now - it may be in Launceston, Tas., and Wills going back to 1600's. He is a descendant of one of the brothers. He was had not known where Eli had disappeared to after age 20 or so, but Eli had been cut out of his father's Will. Eli's father died at Seale, Surrey, on 22 November 1814. There is a record of a marriage between one Eli Begent, aged 20, and Ann Marks at Seale, Surrey, on 20 November 1809. Best wishes, Subject: Begent Family Hi Simon, Subject: Begent Family Brian Good to hear from another Begent descendant. Looking in the family trees there are a number of Arthur Begents, however I can only find one - Arthur Begent (1872 - 1960) who had a son called Albert (1896 - 1936) - see paras 4 and 8 in the descendants of James Begent on page Was this your grandfather and great grandfather? If so do you have any more family tree information to add to this the tree? I have not heard of the Begent connections with a sisterhood in Belgium in 1015, and would be most interested to receive any info that you could possibly provide on this.. Look forward to hearing from you again Regards Simon Begent Subject: Arthur Begent Simon (and Brian) Nice to hear from another relative of James Begent - Arthur Begent was my Grandfather's Brother (along with five others) and his name was Gilbert Charles Begent. I bet Brian's research into the family tree would make good reading on the web site. Ralph Subject: re: Begent Hi Simon I was told of your Begent website by John Ward, someone I have recently contacted re Begent. I logged on and was amazed at what I found. I am a descendant of James Begent born 1803 in Chancery Lane, London - he is my gt gt gt grandfather. His daughter, Emma being my gt gt grandmother. I have information on her that does not appear on your site. She married Samuel Garner 26.04.1858 at Trinity Church, Dover. They appear on the 1861 census at 1 Denton St., St Pancras, London (RG9/118) with two children - Thomas, aged 2 and Racha(e)l, 4 months (my great grandmother). I also have a copy of the 1851 census showing James & Rachael plus 4 children, James, Emma, Rachael & Gilbert (HO107/1489). I also have a copy of Emma Begent & Samuel Garner's marriage certificate if anyone out there needs a photocopy. Do you know of anyone who may have the 1851 name index for the Dover area census? I am trying to locate Samuel Garner's father, Henry Garner, a carpenter. I thought that perhaps if Samuel & Emma married there, then perhaps the Garner family were living there at the time. I shall forward a copy of this email to any contacts listed against James Begent so if anyone needs any further information, then I shall certainly pass it on. Regards Subject: Bagent family Hi: Richard Bageant m Mary Mineter 1722/3. I am always interested in meeting another "cousin". Thanks, Ruth Miller Coddington Subject: Eli BEGENT in Tasmania Aust Dear Simon, My apology's for bothering you but while searching the web, (and I have to say the site you have put together is unbelievable!, I wish I was related), I found that Eli BEGENT was sent to Tasmania on the convict ship 'Indefatigable' on its first voyage in 1812. My ancestor was also sent to Aust on the 'Indefatigable', however on its second voyage in 1815 and I was hoping that the person researching the descendants of Eli has a picture of the ship 'Indefatigable'. Also if they are interested, I do have a copy of a newspaper article that was printed in the Sydney Gazette in 1816 about the fire and total destruction of the ship. Your help and assistance is greatly appreciated. Kindest regards Michael Webb Reply: Michael, There is a picture of 'HMS Indefatigable' on which shows her off Falmouth in May 1795 and indicates that she was launched in 1784. I assume that this was the ship that transported Eli Begent to Australia in 1812 and your ancestor in 1815. The picture show her as a first line fighting ship, but by 1812 she would have been 28 years old and probably pensioned off from front line service as a transport ship. The conditions on board for 200 convicts and probably 60 crew on the long sea voyage to Australia must have been pretty terrible. The were many other later famous ships with the name 'Indefatigable' including one sunk at the Battle of Jutland in 1916, and another involved in the sinking of the Tirpitz in the 2nd WW. A good source for further historical details of British ships is the Maritime Information Centre, National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London SE10 9NF, UK Regards, Simon Begent Subject: Begent / Baigent My ancestry is Baigent 1700 in Windelsham, surely the names Begent and Baigent must be similar and originally in France, don't you think. Just would like to know...your thoughts. Reply: Yes, you are right in that it is almost certain that the names Baigent and Begent have common ancestry. In the 1600 and 1700s before any official census, and when most people were barely literate, the only time that names were recorded was usually in church parish records of baptisms, marriages and deaths. Variations in the spelling of names was very common so that Bagents may have become Baigents and Baigents Begents. Regards, Simon Subject: Another Begent Descendant Hello Simon and family My name is Valerie PURVIS. I live at Oxenford near Queensland's (Australia) Gold Coast, south of Brisbane. I am descended from Charles Glover Begent - son of Eli. Charles married Mary Ann For(r)est who was born 1824 in Ireland. She died at Devonport, Tasmania in 1919. Charles was born in Georgetown, Tasmania in 1828 and died in Launceston in 1890. Their daughter, Margaret, married Robert Shaw - born Tasmania c. 1852, and he died in England in 1916. Margaret Begent was born in Launceston 1857 and died in Tasmania in 1876. You may find it interesting that Robert Shaw's cousin was George Bernard Shaw - 1925 Nobel Prize winner. Margaret and Robert's daughter - Martha - married Ernest Gielis, and their daughter Marie Catherine (my Mother) married Roy Allan Parr (my Father). I am married to Ronald Purvis. We have four daughters and two sons - ages ranging from 47 to 34 years. We have 15 grandchildren and 3 great grandchildren - and another due in December. I have a brother (now deceased) who had 3 children and 8 grandchildren, and a sister who has 3 children and 5 grandchildren - all Begent descendants. Quite a few years ago, I had the pleasure of meeting Mrs Lena Kimpton in Tasmania and we have remained in contact over the years. Congratulations on your website. Kind regards, Val Purvis. Subject: California Begents Hi all you Begent's My Grandfather was Frank Alton Begent, Cincinnatus N.Y. He had two sons ; Frank Begent ( died 1992 )-he had one son, Frank Jr. ( Now in Florida somewhere) Sherwood Begent ( died 1980 ) my father -he had one son , two daughters. I had an uncle Gordon Begent ( my grandfathers brother's son ) , Lansing N.Y. who had a son Gordon , I am not sure where he is..( Ithaca, N.Y.) I have two sons, Bradley Jaeger Begent born Apr 1,1982 and Colby Jaeger Begent born July 6,1984 I was born May 22,1949 , Ithaca , N.Y. We are the only Begent's that I know of in California and we're very proud of our name! Subject: Hello from Tasmania Congratulations on the fantastic web site. Each time I look it seems to have more and more on the Begents. I live in Launceston Tasmania and my Father is Charles Begent. We are descendants of Eli Begent and we really appreciate the work which hs been done to collate the contributions from around the world. My wife is Patsyanne and we have five children: Angie (23) Timothy (20) Kate (17) Joshua (14) and Daniel (5). Keep up the great work!!! Ross Subject: Begent Family Tree Hi, we have just discovered your website - we are both descendents of Eli Begent. Beryl Austin Begent was our grandfather, our dad was Jack Ronald Begent and he had three children, Jenny, Jill and Geoffrey (Dec) Geoffrey had a son Beau - who is the last Begent in our line. We were amazed to discover such a great sight, keep up the great work. We had bits of our family tree but now, thanks to you guys, we have much more. Subject: Family of Eli Begent May I point out to you that a family member is missing from the listing of descendants of Eli Begent. I refer to Emma Jane Begent who was, I think, the seventh child of Eli. Emma Jane married one James Thomas Smith in Launceston and they had one child, Charles James Smith. With regards and best wishes, Warren Smith Subject: Bejants and St. Andrews I believe that you will find that the name of the Pagent refered to below is the "Kate Kennedy" not Kate Carney. Kate was the niece of a historically important Bishop James Kennedy. Female first-year students are bejantines. I thought that only St Andrews had this unique name for first-years. I was interested to learn that Aberdeen has a variant. "Chambers 20th C. dictionary defines a 'Bejan', from the french Béjaune 'Young Bird' or Bec jaune 'Yellow Beak', as a University Freshman (1st year student). In Scotland a Freshman is known at Aberdeen University as a 'Bajan' and at St Andrew's University as a 'Bejant'. In the Kate Carney Pagent at St. Andrew's University there appears a 'Beardless Begent' who is a Freshman. The Scottish student's song book dated 1891 mentions in the St Andrew's section "The Bejant's Song". Erick Lorenz Subject: Baigent family history Hi Regards Reply from Simon Begent: 21 Nov 01 Jim, From the family trees that I have and other researchers have sent in, there appear up until the late 1700s to be two main family groups of Begents - in east Kent around Dover, Folkestone, Ashford, and in the West Surrey/East Hampshire and later West London area. I am aware that there were also a large number of Baigents in the latter area particularly concentrated around the parish of Windlesham, and it is my view that these Begent lines were probably originally Baigents. This includes Eli's family for which there is some evidence and my own direct ancestor Henry Begent born abt 1785. I would be most interested if your Baigent research has come up with any further information on this, as I would like to delve further into the family backgrounds. Sometime ago there was a Mrs A.D.S Baigent from the Surrey family history society researching the Baigent name. Have you been in contact with her? Wendy Knolle (a Begent descendant from Tasmania) sent me correspondence she had about 12 years ago with Baigents in Surrey. I look forward to hearing further from you. Regards, Subject: Begents in the Dover area pre 1700 Andrew / Simon and Jim, From trawling through IGI recently I have found the following additions to your URL My interest is that I am related to Elizabeth Boys whom: Elizabeth BOYS Sex: F Marriage(s): Spouse: William BEIANT / BADGEANT Marriage: 22 Nov 1632 Saint Mary the Virgin, Dover, Kent Elizabeth BEGEANT (DAUGHTER) Sex: F Event(s): Christening: 3 Jan 1640 Saint Mary the Virgin, Dover, Kent, England Parents: Father: William BEGEANT Mother: Elizabeth They also has a son who went to Corpus Christi College Cambridge William Beadgeant Corpus Christi, Cambridge Admitted 1668 A.M. 1675 c. 12.8.1648 St. Mary the Virgin, Dover The reason I know about this is that Elizabeth's brother the Rev Edward Boys left him in his will all his books after he graduated. Corpus Christi was Edwards old College and a number of his relatives went their. I have the History of the College published in 1742 and all students prior to that date are listed with their degree, dates and home county. Regards Ian Harcourt Reply from Simon: Thanks Jim for this. Good to hear that there were some Cambridge educated branches of the family! I have updated the table of pre 1700 Kent Begents. The variations in the spelling in the name (Begiant, Badgent, Baggent, Bajent, Beiant, Bedgent, Bedgeant, Begent, Begeant, Bedggant) is amazing. Subject: A Begent Question I have been researching the Bagent family in the US, located in Virginia. I have seen from other researchers where a William Bagent came to the US with General Braddock, landing at Hampton Road in Virginia. I would like to know where I can find this information, as I have not come across it in my research. I have a William Bagent who signed on with Colonal G. Washington's milita in 1754 and General Braddock came in 1755. Please help me if you have this information, thanks. Vera Bagent Subject: Early Folkestone Bageants Hi, I'm not researching this family, but I was in the Folkestone Library checking out some things for my own family research. One of the documents held is 'Who's Who in Folkestone - 1450 to 1600'. This lists Folkestone residents who featured in some way in the local records. There are 2 Bageants listed, as follows. The English is archaic but it seems to refer to church duties, and I do know that reference to a 'trench' means a good meal - make of it what you will! Bageant, Bart. Wit to Thomas Scattergood 1553, master of Ste. Justy's Crayer 1546. He rang the day bell, the curfew or both at a charge of three farthings per bell in 1549,1550 and 1551. He was paid one penny and 4 pence for a trench in 1552. As Sexton his wages were six shillings and eightpence a years for 1553, 1554. He was paid tenpence for watching the Easter Sepulchre in 1554, 1556, 1557 and 1558. In 1553 he trimmed things in the store house. In 1554 he wiped out the writing on the church walls. In 1555 he again rang the day and curfew bells only receiving twopence a time. In 1556 he made the Sepulchre and warned the town on Easter morning with a clapper. In 1557 his wages were 10 shillings. Bageant, Giles. Churchwarden 1570. Fetched sand for fourpence in 1578. Was fined one shilling for not coming to church 1585. Hope you enjoy it. Subject: Gordon Crittenden Begent Biographical Index of Notable People of NYS. BEGENT, Gordon Crittenden Mr. Begent was born in Groton, July 28, 1897, the son of Frank A. and Helen (Crittenden) Begent. He was a leader in the automobile industry of Ithaca, New York, secretary-treasurer of the Finger Lakes Garage, Nos.109-119 West State Street, Ithaca, is also the general manager of this important business. Until 1924, the concern maintained a service and storage garage for Studebaker and Franklin cars. In 1924 it discontinued the garage and sales of the cars previously handled, and the entire energy of the managers was concentrated on the sales and service of the Ford products, covering Ithaca and its vicinity. Mr. Begent, who engaged in the automobile business in 1914, is a member of the Ithaca Lodge, Benevolent and Protective order of Elks; of Groton Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons; of Moravia Chapter, Royal Arch Masons, and of Balbeck Grotto. Mr. Begent was married, December 31, 1920, to Leslie D. Dickerson of Fayetteville, New York, daughter of Charles L. and Julia (Cohan) Dickerson, both living. Mr. and Mrs. Begent are the parents of one child, Gordon C. Begent, Jr., born February 9, 1922. The family home is at No. 113 Brandon Place, Ithaca. I am not related & have no other info. Doreen McKenna Powers Subject: Sarah Bejent Hi Simon, The parish registers and Bishop's transcripts for Lympne and West Hythe in Kent show that a Sarah Bejent married a Stephen Cheeseman at West Hythe on 11 February 1783. Stephen was from the parish of Sellindge whereas Sarah was 'of this parish'. The records also show that the couple had at least six children at West Hythe: Rose (baptised there on 23 March 1783), Stephen (13 May 1787), William (8 April 1790), John (12 May 1793), Amy (25 October 1795) and Angelica (12 May 1799). Unfortunately I didn't have time to look into Sarah's family and forbears and wonder if someone among your list has done so. Regards Graeme Cheeseman Subject: Sarah Bejent Simon/Graeme, I've had a look at my notes and found that Sarah's marriage to Stephen Cheeseman is included in Michael Gandy's East Kent Marriage Index - though he records the location as Lympne rather than West Hythe. He also shows her as a 'widow of Hythe', while the groom was from Sellinge. Unfortunately I've got no other details on her - she remains one of many 'strays'. Incidentally, I've got an 1851 census index covering Elham, Folkestone, Romney Marsh and Hythe and it contains the following 'Cheesemen' which may be of interest; Andy Subject: Begent - DeGent Hello Simon, A bit of a wild card, but I'm currently researching my family name Digance. I have been told by a Norman Scholar / Historianian that our family name is a corruption of DeGent then DeGant --- Digance. There is a link with Gilbert DeGent pre Norman conquest (1066 AD) who was a wealthy Flemish Land owner in the county of Lincolnshire U.K. Have you any links-information on this branch of the DeGent family? Kind Regards, Subject: Ester Ann Bagent I am searching for Ester Ann Bagent b. 6-Oct-1846 in Louden County, Va. Her parents were John Bagent and Katherine Christine Eberhardt, also of Louden County, Va. John was an 1812 English soldier that decided to stay in America. Her mother's family always claimed (but lacked positive proof) to be descendants of Price Eberhardt of Prussia. Ester had 2 brothers, and 3 sisters, all born in Va, close to Harper's Ferry. I have documentation pertaining to Ester's christening, 25-Aug-1847. Also, lists John T.H.? b. 7-Apr-1840, and Matilda A.S., b. 14-Jan-1843 christened at same time. I have been told that her father died before she was born, and that she was adopted. Ester m. David Alvin Hagerman b. 18-Jan-1840 in Hancock County, Ohio, on 15-Nov-1865. They had 6 children- Elmer Ellsworth, Annetta Helen, Charles Sumner, Lola Eloise, Brady Bruce (my direct line), and Verna Alvin. This family came to Kansas in 1880. Ester d. 20-Jun-1932 in Vinland, Douglas County, Kansas, and is buried there. Are there any others researching this line? I would like very much to document this line further.Any help will be greatly appreciated. Many thanks in advance. Subject: Begent I have just recieved a certificate today and found the name Emma Mary Begent married to William Griffiths Gower Glamorgan. Has anybody else heard of Emma? I don't have a date the marriage, I have the birth certificate of daughter Albenia Elizabeth Griffiths Gower 1850. Her mother was Emma Mary Begent and her father William Griffiths. Regards Jan Subject: Decendants of James Begent Hi I have read your site with great interest and generally what I have ties in with what is on the site. However I have a few queries to stir the pot with. I have a letter written by Laura Alice Begent, daughter of Henry Charles Begent and Jemina Lee, Grand daughter of James Begent and Rachael Halsey. She starts the letter with - My mother wrote to me saying....... so it is Jemina who has supplied some of the information. As to the other points??? Hope someone can offer a suggestion. Regards Subject: Decendants of James Begent Jacqueline, Thanks for your message. The connection of James Begent b. 1803 with France and the Channel Island is intriguing and was raised about 18 months ago by Barry Smith and Dorothy Delaney - see above. Barry had the same information as you about there being a James Begent who fled from France and was a carriage maker in Birmingham. He may have had a son James b. 1803 and a daughter. There were definitely Begents in Birmingham around this time - Andrew Begent noted that in the IGI there was a Hannah Begent who married William Chislett at Aston Juxta Birmingham on 30th October 1787, and a Sarah Jane Begent, daughter of James and Sarah Begent baptised in Birmingham on 4th November 1822. Dorothy Delaney was doing some research for her cousin Janet Booth whom I believe is also a cousin of Barry Smith. His mother was Rhoda Booth who was the great granddaughter of Henry Charles son of James Begent. Janet Booth told Dorothy that her family originally came from France via the Channel Islands. Maybe she got this from the same source as you. By the way Jacqueline - are you Barry's daughter? I have him down as having a daughter Jacqueline Smith who married Troy St Marc. As far as we know James Begent b. 1803 who married Rachel Halsey was born in Chancery Lane, London, and his son Henry Charles b. 1825 was born in Totteridge, Hertfordshire near where his mother Rachael came from. They lived in London. It is possible that James' father was also James Begent and lived in Birmingham but so far there doesn't seem to be any known firm connection. The French Revolution took place following the Storming of the Bastille in July 1789 so it is possible that around this time there were emigrants who fled to the Channel Islands and then to England. They would have arrived say in 1790 - 1792. However two things puzzle me in the information you have - firstly James is not a French name. It would have most unusual for a Frenchman to be called James unless his family were immigrants themselves eg from England or Scotland. (Charles Edward Stuart - Bonnie Prince Charlie - who was the grandson of James II of England lived in exile in France). Secondly - I think it unlikely that James and his son Henry were veterinary surgeons as the profession didn't exist until the mid 1800s (the London College of Veterinary Surgeons was incorporated in 1875). Before then the only animals considered worth tending were horses - and they were looked after by either the blacksmith or the stableman. I suppose that if they were carriage makers that could have connected them with horses. I'm afraid that all this doesn't add much to explain the letter that you have. The only possible course further course of investigation would be in the Channel Islands and Birmingham records to see if there was a James who could be linked first to France and then to London. I am sending a copy of this to Dorothy Delaney, Andy Begent and Barry Smith to see if they can help any further. Regards Subject: Bejants and Bejantines Terms at St Andrews University for first year students. Claimed to come from the french "bec jaune" and Paris as one of your correspondents has noted. One correction. The procession held at St Andrews is the Kate Kennedy procession. It is organised by an all-male society of the University, and commemorates events of the 17th century. Searching for "bejant" on Google will connect interested readers (or uninterested ones) to the St Andrews material. Subject: Begent to Baygents in America About 2 years ago, I spent several months doing extensive research on the overall lineage of the name "Baygents" and discovered numerous shipping logs and personal accounts that the name was altered. The causes of the alteration were thought to be misspellings, mispronunciation, and sometimes purposeful (to escape persecution). In any case, for those of you that may not know, your ancestry has traces into North America under the name of "Baygents". So, if there is a point where you lose the trail of your family tree, and you know their first name(s), check shipping logs into Canada and the U.S. under various other last names, such as "Baygents". There are even entries shown where the family members had different spellings of their last name, in particular a daughter's last name was spelled different than her parents and other brothers & sisters. Our lineage is on record that ties directly to the name of "Begent". Also, the name ultimately traces back to the earliest known years 1050-1100 A.D. in Normandy. There is a little bit of further detail at If you have websites, feel free to link to that site. If you have information you would like to add (for that site) or website links to share, feel free to email them to me. Hope this helps others. Sincerely, Jeff Baygents Subject: Windlesham Baigents Excellent site! My mother is Audrey Baigent, descended from the Windlesham lot. I have gone through quite a few of the records and would like to know where John and Anne Baigent, who died in Windlesham in the early 1700s came from and what their relationship was to Thomas born circa 1720, who is the earliest one I can trace through the parish records, who seems to have started the huge Windlesham clan. If any one knows or can suggest places to look, please get in touch. I noticed some people have records of a Birmingham connection for their branch. There are excellent records available in Birmingham Central Library, of Wills and testaments (mainly 19th/20th century)which could be useful. I have found interesting details of some of my relations there. Regards, Christine Subject: Beadgent & Hedgecock What an excellent site - will certainly come back and examine in more detail. I'm doing a One-Name-Study of Hedgcocks with all THEIR spellings! Nicholas Bedgeant is the 7th great grandfather of Charles Joshua Hedgecock, born Maldon, Essex in 1847, through Sarah Bedgeant's 2nd marriage to Thomas Mills in 1745. Have yet to find a link to him with my own line. But in the last 2 weeks I've found a direct link to a Scottish Hedgcock so it's always worth persevering. It's always fascinating to see other people's sites and the amount of work that's gone into all of them. So good luck everyone. If anyone knows any Hedgcocks who have done their own family trees could you post details here? Cheers everyone! Andy Subject: Jane Baigent Just to let you know that whilst ploughing through the burial records of South Shields, St Stephen, Co Durham (Tyne & Wear), I came across this entry: Jane BAIGENT 26 May 1861 of Tyne Street aged 63. She's a little away from the south-east. Perhaps someone can claim her. There may be other BAIGENT entries in related records. Best wishes, John Ward Subject: Begents in Tasmania - Martha Shaw Firstly, I'm an "outsider", not being a Begent, & actually
researching some elusive Camerons... Subject: Sarah Bejent who married Stephen Cheeseman I am interested in the Sarah Bejent who married Stephen Cheeseman 11 FEB 1783 Lympne, Kent, England, as I am descended from one of their daughters Angelica Cheeseman. I've looked through the pages below and can see that she is described as 'widow of Hythe' but since I only found the Cheeseman details yesterday I don't know any more. If anyone has anything on this Sarah prior to her marriage, I would really appreciate it if you could you contact me. I tried the Cheeseman family web-site but the contact details don't work any more. If you're interested, Angelica Cheeseman married John Waddell in 1819 & they had at least 2 children, George & Jane. I have details of George's children too, but Jane married Charles Drowley in 1853 then Isaac Beard in 1861. She had 2 daughters Eliza Emily Drowley and Jane who could be either's child. Emila Emily married Frederick John Waller and one of their daughters was Alice Waller. Alice married William Hobday Ovenden and their only daughter Mildred Ovenden botn 1912 was my maternal grand-mother. Subject: I am a begent too
Subject: Begent I have the Capel-le-ferne school register with Begent family on it
if anyone is interested Subject: Sarah Begent I am quite excited this morning having found quite a few records from your page. Sarah Begent daughter of Henry and Sarah Greenway was my greatgrandmother. She married William Barnes who was a Baker at All Sts. Church Fulham 6th of July 1845 and had 2 sons Robert and Joseph who was my Grandfather. I am still tryng to find out more on the Barnes side of the family as this was Williams second Marriage. Her brother Robert was a Witness at the Wedding service. I have further information if anyone would like to Know please E. mail Bob Barnes Subject: Bagent Family Hello I am from the USA. I live in Ohio. I am researching my family tree and am having some trouble.My Great Grandfathers name was George W. Bagent, born in Hagerstown, Maryland, March 31, 1858. He was a son of William and Elizabeth Wigginton Bagent. My problem is that there are many many William Bagents from Maryland and I can not decifer them all. I have tried researching Wigginton also, using many different spellings, and have come up with nothing. If anyone could help me or give some advise I would greatly appreciate
it. Subject: sue begent Must be because it's Christmas and I'm thinking of old friends. Took a chance and typed sue's name into the internet. Top of the list was a site about someone looking for a Sue Begent who nursed at the middlesex around 1988. I think this is the same Sue I'm looking for. Sue and I were at St. John's College in York from 1981 to 1985 and she was my bridesmaid in April 1985. I visited her twice in London where she was indeed a nurse at the Middlesex Hospital. Then she went to Australia, we kept in touch for a while but then lost contact. She contacted me from America, Philadelphia I think, but then I lost track. I notice that there was a message on your site from a Chris Begent who mentioned his sister in Australia. The Sue I'm looking for had two brothers, Chris and Patrick. They lived near Lichfield and I know her dad was called Gilbert. If anyone can put me back in contact with Sue I'd be really, really grateful. Thank you. Subject: Annabelle Begent Hello, This may seem like a very random email, but i used to attend
secondary school with Annabell and we were close friends, unfortunately
when she moved back to Malta we completely lost contact, and i would
love to contact her again now! Thanks so much, it would mean a lot, Subject: Hermon Smerdon I read a message written by Marylynn on the 26th November 2006 and she mentioned Bessie Stuart (who I was trying to find more information about) and Horace Edmund Tucker. They are my great grandparents. Up to today I didn't know anything about Bessie's family, other than her husband and children, so this is all very fascinating and exciting for me to read about. From what I gather I am the 2nd cousin of Marylynn and a distant relative of Robynne and Faye. I would love to hear from any of those mentioned, or anyone that can tell me more about Hermon and his family. Thank you so much for such a fantastic website! Subject: Descendant of Eli Begent Tasmania Hi I am descended from Eli Begent,George Roslyn,William Arthur, his daughter Annie Gertrude and her husband Stephen Joyce, their fourth child, Albert Joyce and his first wife Josephine Hyatt (b.aprox. 1924/25(m.1938,TBC),whose only child together was my mother,Dorothy Jean Joyce(b.5-2-1939,d.27-3-2003).My father is James Frederick Jackson.(b.?-12-1934)(m.26-11-1956)Both Josephine and Albert had other children to different marriages. Hope this fills in some blanks in this part of the family tree. Subject: Begent / Hawley I have begun to wonder if this whole thing is almost some monster
that sits alongside you. I almost imagine you drowning under it. I hope
not, as I hope we can all do something to help. Obviously, everyone
has contributed something which ties in somewhere with someone else's
efforts. This letter is contributed in that spirit - ie., directly to
you as Master Co-ordinator, but if you feel it has valuable bits then
perhaps you would put it on the Contact Forum just for the ideas it
holds. Subject: martha shaw and ernest gielis (Eli Begent
Tree) This is what I have I have on Martha Edna Forest Shaw and Ernest Archille
Gielis. They married in Queensland in 1899, I currently have six children
for them, the eldest Arthur Ernest Gielis enlisted in the first World
War in 1916. Subject: twin baigent/begents I am looking for twins Victor and Vincent Baigent. I believe their mother's maiden name was Groom and came from Norfolk, England. Her sister is great great grandmother on my husbands side and married a Mr. Dawson and remained in Norfolk. Grannie lived until she was very old nearly 100 and used to visit Baigent or Begent relations in the Channel Islands and Australia. The twins Victor and Vincent were born in the 40's or 50's. Any infomation helpful. Subject: George William Bagent I was trying to contact you earlier and I lost it. Sorry. This might be the 2nd one from me. George William Bagent was born 3/31/1858 in Hagerstown Maryland to William and Elizabeth (Wiggington) Bagent. We can get back no further than William and Elizabeth. Looking for Williams parents. In the 1870 census for Maryland, can find Margaret Wigginton 72/Elizabeth Wigginton 28/Edy Wigginton/Willie Bagent 15 Boy Labor/John Bagent 9 At Home/Jackson Wigginton 5/Annie Wigginton 25. Does anyone have any knowledge of any of these people or where I can find out anything else about them? Would appreciate any help that you can give us. Thank you so much. Subject: Sarah Bejent/ Begent married:11 FEB 1782-83
Lympne, Kent, ENG to Stephen Cheeseman I descend from Sarah Bejent and Stephen Cheeseman's daughter: Rose
Cheeseman Name: Rose Cheeseman Father: Stephen Cheeseman b: 1761 Marriage John Thorndin Rose Cheeseman Thorndin/Thornden's second marriage: John was a Blacksmith at Dymchurch, Romney Marsh.(Pigots Directory) Children of Rose Cheeseman and John Hambrook: George 14.2.1819 s/o John & Rose John and Rose Hambrook and 3 above named children,(Sarah Elizabeth
was not listed with them?),emigrated to America, arriving in NYC aboard
the "Neptune" My direct line is John William Hambrook bapt. 30.12.1821 Dymchurch. He married Catherine Thene Reymolds b abt 1825-26 New York,USA. Catherine was Dutch, "Thene" is american translation of Dutch:"Trintgen/Trinije" Children of John Hambrook and Catherine Reynolds: On your site another Bejent/Cheeseman descendant: Rhiannon Magor descends from sister of my Rose Cheeseman. Subject: Variant Baigent Names I have viewed your site which is very interesting and informative. Why I am contacting you is that my maternal grandmother's name was Bargent, with some members of the family being Begent. In your list of variants, Bargents arn't there. From the late 1500s they are mainly based in Hampshire, though my grandmother was born Camberwell London, her parents and siblings came from Portsmouth, Hampshire. Do you think that the Bargents are from the same family as Baigents. My mother told me that her mother said the family came from France, but it could be Flanders. Subject: Emma Bagen (Bageant?) Emma Jane Bagen? was born 7 Sep 1857. Her daughter's death certificate
indicates she was born in Loudoun Co., VA; father unknown; mother Susan
Smoats (possibly Snoots?). Emma died in Montgomery Co., MD 29 Jul 1935.
I have connected Emma with an Isaac Bagen in Montgomery Co., MD per
the following notes: Possible family connection: 1860 MD, Montgomery Co., District 4: Jacob Bagent, 49, VA, blacksmith; Sarah, 30, VA; William, 9, VA; Presley, 7, VA; Catherine, 5, VA; Susan, 3, MD; Lydia, 6 mos., MD. In DC, Ward 4, Hotel Tennellytown, there is an Isaac Baggint, 26, VA, laborer--could be a realtive? In 1850 Loudoun Co., VA Isaac Bagent, age 17, laborer with a Titus family is just 2-3 pages from the family of Jonathon Snoots, 51; Dorothy, 45; SUSAN, 18; Betsy, 16; William, 12; Jno, 11; Jane, 9; and Mary, 8. The age of this Isaac is way off (37 years) from the family shown below in 1870. Some of the childrens names are similar--there was a Presley SNOOTS in Loudoun and then Jacob names one of his sons Presley Bagent. There are two Catherines of similar age. 1870 MD Census, Montgomery Co., District 4, Brighton P.O., pg. 110-111, images 27-28 on, #736: Bajam, Isaac, 74, MD, farm laborer; Sally, 45, MD; Catherine, 17; Emma, 14; Persy, 13; Lottie, 12; Luisa, 7; Rose, 5--all b. MD. Can't find in 1860 or 1880. I have seen census info in Loudoun Co., VA for William, Jacob, and John Bageant and there is the note above re Jacob Bagent from VA in the area of Montgomery Co., MD in 1860 where Emma was. Any help/comments most appreciated Subject: Kustel Family Records Anyway with all that said, The reason for contacting you is to reach out to any surviving relatitives of the Kustel family. I am incredibly proud of my family roots and I want express to anyone out there who is a Decendant of the Kustel family that I care about you all and to me you all matter. Anyone who is a Kustel or the relative of a Kustel, Please e-mail me at: I would love to hear from you! Warmest regards, Subject: James Begent and Rachel Halsey Simon From this I have traced James as being born in 1804 with Rachel Halsey born in 1805 (living in 1841 in the registration district of St George Hanover square Middlesex) Earlier Begents in the same District are John Begent 1786, and Jane Begent 1796 - it may be that John could be his Father as he was 18 when James was born or that they both were brother and sister of James. Also around the time of James's birth Charles, James, and Stephen Begent were born. If any Begent has access to the 1841 census or 1804 births in St George Hanover Square, perhaps we can take this matter further. Regards Subject: Re: James Begent and Rachel
Halsey Ralph Thanks for this - it is most interesting. I had not taken a look at before, and need to spend some time looking into some of the leads. I wonder if the Charles you mention was Charles Waring Begent at and he was the brother of James? If so it would link these two family trees. Simon Subject: Re: James Begent Subject: James Begent I am still looking at James Begent born Chancery Lane
London between 1803 - 1805 and I am not sure that the information
given in my last email is now correct. This is put forward for comments from other Begents Ralph Subject: James Begent I came across your site by accident, and have to say
how interesting it is. Regards Stephen Subject: Begents in Hythe, Kent 1841 We are living in the house that John and Abigail Begent lived in the 1841 census. It is an interesting building, originally built 1007, with additions in 1335, 1665, and 1811. Let us know if you want further information. John and Milaena Old St Batholomews Hospital Hythe Subject: Vera May Begent was my grandmother Vera May Begent(Marriner) was my grandmother and daughter of Beryl
Begent Vera married Reg Marriner and had 4 children Reg, Phyllis,
Max and Lionel..My mother is Phyllis. Kim Subject: Begent ancestry I note that there are Begents in Launceston, Tasmania. We happen to live in Launceston, Cornwall. Pauline Smith Subject: Esther Jones Begent Family
Tree Subject: Catherine Clarke m. Horace
Begent 1901 Subject: Descendants of Louisa Begent
born 1859 resided Hammersmith 1891 census Hello all! I am hoping you begent sleuths can help me and my family solve a mystery concerning our grandfather. His name on his birth certificate is William Searle, born 1897 to Louisa Begent, details as above. We know that Louisa was married prior to his birth to Thomas Charles Begent who was a piano-forte stringer. We cannot however find any records of our Grandfathers' (William Searle) father. He is not listed on his birth certificate, yet William listed his father as a Charles Begent on his marriage certificate (to Winnifred Raggett 1920) and his own name as William Searle Begent. Our mother, Lillian May Begent took the name,along with her sister Winnifred and two brothers William and Edward, whom we have always believed to be Begents, now we are not so sure! We know that Louisa married Charles Searle in 1900 and on the 1901 census was living with him and William in Hammersmith. On the census William is listed as Charles Searles' step-son. On this site, William is not listed as a child of Louisa and Thomas Begent. We obviously deduce therefore that William is the product of an extra-marital tryst, but would like to understand why he was given the name Searle on his birth certificate (but not Charles Searles son as listed as step-son on census), and not son of Thomas Begent. We also cannot find any records of divorce between Louisa and Thomas (who died circa 1915 so not widowed) nor can we find Thomas Begent on the 1911 census. We would love to trace any ancestors of his sibling (born of Charles Searle and Louisa) Dorothy, born in 1902, or to hear from any ancestors of Louisa's older children with Thomas Begent namely, Thomas,Albert, George, Kate, Henry, Mabel or Frederick. Our only hopes really rest on knowledge passed down by his siblings to their familys maybe of the paternity details of their step-brother William Searle. For your interest, Williams' older son, Edward Begent, born circa 1924-1925, emigrated to Queensland Australia in 1965. Any information that can shed light on this would be fantastic! Subject: Begents Does anyone have any information about Begents prior to William Begent who was born about 1725, Canterbury, Kent? Would be very pleased to hear from anyone. Marilyn Subject: Charlotte Larkins, daughter
of Ellen Begent Marilyn Subject: Eli Begent's wife Mary Glover Hi. I was wondering if anyone has encountered a relationship between Eli Begent's wife Mary Glover & John Glover the famous Australia artist? Both were in Tasmania. I have no evidence - it is only speculation. Regards, Don Nelson Subject: Begents in Dover pre 1700 Name: Jacqueline McCutcheon Date: 15 Feb 2012 A very belated update to Ian Harcourt's info on William Bedgeant, Corpus Christi, Cambridge etc. William Bedgeant b Dover 1648 was appointed Rector of St Mary's Sullington, Sussex in 1677 and died in Sullington 1724. William and his wife Anne had 10 children (6 died in infancy)and I'm pleased to say I am descended from his son John. Best wishes and many thanks for such an interesting website. Subject: Family History Hi. I just wanted to say thank you for your work. I have started researching my family tree. I am the grandson of Martha Edna Forrest Shaw who was on of the four children of Margaret Elizabeth Begent. Kind regards, Ross Cameron Subject: genealogy Would like any information on the Begents from all over, My Husbands father was Reginald Begent. I have traced some of the descents back so far but am looking for more.Please respond. My husbands name is Brad. We live in Hinckley Utah Subject: Harriet Begent Name: Suzanne Manning Date: 22 March 2013 Hello, I am searching my gg grandmother Harriet Begent born abt 1792, not sure where and she died on 08 February 1834, Parish of Farnham, Surrey, age 42. She married Samuel Neal on 26 July 1820, Parish: Westminster St Martin in the Fields, Borough: Westminster. Samuel and Harriet had five children, John baptised 17 June 1821 (my g grandfather), Thomas baptised 19 Oct 1823, Harriet baptised 26 Mar 1826, Maria baptised 16 Nov 1828 and Catherine baptised 7 Apr 1831. All five children were born in Farnham, Surrey. I would like any information on Harriet, where born, who were her parents, siblings etc. Cheers Subject: Harriet Begent Hi, I have done further research into Harriet Begent and I am sure I have found her parents. They were James Baigent and Mary Rance married 06 Nov 1786, Froyle, Hamspshire, England. James and Mary had 7 children. Ann b1791, Harriet b1792, John b1794, William b1796, twins Mary and Martha b1797 and Sophia b1799. All the children were born in Froyle, Hampshire. I notice that if I have the right parents, the surname of my gg grandmother Harriet BEGENT, was born a BAIGENT. Is it feasible that the spelling has changed, or do I have the wrong family? I would love to hear from anyone who knows or has any information about this family. Cheers Subject: Updating information re: Albert
Joyce Thanks to all those that have provided a very informative web site and Begent family tree information. I look forward to your reply. Cheers, Subject: Baigent Family Hello from Vancouver Island, BC Canada. I am researching my grandmother's family and have found that my great grandmother was Emma Baigent ( b. 1862, christening in March 1862). Her parents were Sarah and Eli Baigent. As a child, I had heard that Baigents were believed to be from Belgium or Austria, so all this fits. I am planning to come to the UK next summer, visit 'home' and hope to meet some very long lost relatives. Subject: Looking for cousin or any
family Hello, Subject: Sidney Begent Hi - Hilda Begent (the sister of Sidney Begent) was my grandmother.
I have a couple of watercolours painted by Sidney and given to Hilda,
who then passed to my mum. Best Regards Subject: Hello Hi Jim, Subject: Eli Baigent Hello Begents, According to my research on I am directly descended from Eli Baigent, whose son also Eli was sent to Australia in 1811. My ancestor was the younger Eli's sister Martha. The person in Australia who posted that there do not seem to be many Begents may be because the name was spelt Baigent by many and in Australia that spelling is still used. I have the transcript of Eli's trial for sheep stealing. I suspect that Eli was the only breadwinner and that they were starving. Upon his release his mother journeyed around the world to Tasmania live with him, and died there. Eli married and he and his family became respected citizens. The name Begent was widely assumed to be of French origin, however I found that as for some, Baigent may have been the original name and there is a possible connection to weavers from southern Germany who settled in Holland, as the word for them was Baijentz ( or close to it) It would seem likely that they were Hugenots who settled in London amongst others of that persuasion. My fathers third name was Begent, and he had been told that the Begents were family friends hence the name. However they were more than that. Some of my fathers family on his mothers side were from the London area, often East and Central London. I am from S West London but no longer live in England. I am curious as to how my Australian cousins are doing. Michael Ward Subject: Searching for Crescentia Cooke
nee Baigent Please pass on my email contact. Subject: Victor and Vincent Begent Any info on these two who I was told were twins they are related to my husband's grandmother. She used to visit the family in Jersey Channel islands and I believe there were Australian connections. Any info welcome. Adrienne Subject: Interest in understanding
our history Hi With best wishes Subject: James
Begent c1804 Chancery Lane, London Last weekend I visited London, and sat in a cafe on
the south bank next to Southwark Cathedral. I thought of James' connection
to the building and I remembered that I had written to the Registrar
for the Huguenot Society regarding the name Begent. To contact us please click on Contact Form |
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